
Learn to Swim on Vacation

Kinderhotels Europa and Swim Schools on the Red Sea offer FREDS SWIM ACADEMY Courses.

Daring to go into the deep water, jumping into the swimming pool from a 3 meter diving board, going swimming alone with your friends or exploring a whole new world under the sea with snorkel, masks and flippers during your beach vacation – those are adventures that require being able to swim well and it is particularly important for children to open up new and important experiences for them in life.

FREDS SWIM ACADEMY offers children the opportunity to learn to swim on vacation in over 40 hotels from "Kinderhotels Europa" as well as 14 swim schools on the Red Sea in Egypt with the SWIMTRAINER "Classic" and specially trained swimming instructors.

Swimming is not only fun for children; it is also one of the healthiest sports there are. It strengthens the muscles, prevents postural deformities, strengthens the immune system and improves stamina, co-ordination and performance. However swimming also promotes mental health, because it increases confidence and calms nervous children. Baby swimming for example allows small children to propel themselves in a way that is not possible yet on land. Therefore swimming and the child's inherent love of movement in water is the best basis for a healthy development.



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